Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Well, the T-shirt idea went down like a lead balloon. Perhaps I should spend more time planning my novelette and less time upsetting people on the forums.

There's a lot to do.

So far I have:
- information on Irish magic
- information on the history of Ireland dating back to the Tuatha de Danann
- information on 9th Century Ireland

None of these are detailed or comprehensive but should provide enough basis for creative license.

What I need is information on various points in history where there was great cultural conflict (something I seem to be good at right now). Looking at the list of dates and events my fellow novelists in the original project were going to use, I have:

- Medieval 1066-1067.
- 3rd crusade in the Holy Land 1190-1192
- St Bart's Massacre 1572
- American Colonial 1650
- Australian Colonial 1790-1800
- 1865
- Nazi Germany 1930-1940
- 2001

Except for St Bart's Massacre and Nazi Germany, there's not much that means anything to me. My previous requests to the novel group for some ideas on what they planned got hardly any responses :(

I guess that means today I must find a timeline of world history and pick out some important dates myself, probably around 200 years apart, and get some relevant information.

And then I can start outlining.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

HK did a really nice T-shirt two years ago, but ran into so many problems she's given them up. So this year she's doing Do Not Disturb signs for the door.

However, I had a look at the site of the guy printing it and guess what? He does T-shirts too. And sweatshirts (Yeah! I want a cuddly warm sweatshirt!) So I pinched her picture off her website, and despite being completely unable to draw, have designed a T-shirt/Sweatshirt around it.

So....will she take the bait?
NaNoWriMo rolls around again. I signed into the website yesterday, browsed the forums, and wondered what on earth I could write about.

Last year's story is unfinished, and I could take any single storyline and turn it into a short novel.

But what I really want to do is finish Redemption, the book I made so much progress with in 2004. But never finished. And of course, since then the plotholes have turned the whole thing into a mesh net.

But... or should I say BUT ... the plotholes would make an entire novel in themselves.

So that's what I'll do. I'll write the backstory. Then after November I can use that novel to fix and finish Redemption. Maybe even before Christmas.

Now that would a fruitful way to spend NaNoWriMo!