Monday, November 15, 2004

Week Two blahs

Chris Baty warned us about the week 2 blahs. Our regional Municipal Liaison sent an encouraging email to get us through them. Me, being late for everything as usual, was late for the week 2 blahs. I got them yesterday.

In two hours I managed to write about 267 words. And it was crap. Pathetic stuff. Repetitious and boring. My internal editor had somehow woken up.

I went back to bed. I had lunch. I hopped around the forums. No inspiration anywhere.
I did the laundry. I cleared the dishwasher. I went shopping for vegetables for supper.

An MC has already had a sandwich. I have named characters and places after people in the regional forum. Finally I did what worked last time. I jumped now to the end of the middle, and wrote that. I know how the book is supposed to end. I'm just stuck on how to get there.

It worked. As soon as I began the confrontation with Satan, the middle became clear.
Suddenly I knew what I had to do.

So I managed another 2,000 words. And being sleepless in Fagotstreet last night, I decided to put the time to good use and added another 850 or so.

That puts me now at 34,037. I can certainly reach 35,000 today. Maybe, if the muse pleases and Jonathan sends me more good writing karma, I can reach the 3/4 mark.

Greer listened.
"All his bastards."
And that odd look the maid had given her when she said "Count Luce has already gone, my lady."
It all made sense, now.
He didn't love her. She was just another notch in his belt. He had already gone because someone else was after his head. Someone else with a blue eyed, dark skinned baby.
The bastard! He had deceived her! He had ruined her life, and for what? For years she had been carrying hatred and revenge in her heart, souring life after life, because of him. He was destroyer of souls. Why?
Luce. Listen to the name. Luce.
Of course. Just like Gaetan Dugas. Saetan Dugas.


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